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-5- <br /> <br />variance with an open mind. Mr. Thaler stated that he had no interest in any <br />property out in the location of the requested variance and his only relationship <br />was that h~s wife and Mrs. Hamm were business partners. He stated that he <br />felt that this would in no way would affect his ability to hear this case. <br />Mr. Stovall then proceeded with the presentations stating that Mrs. Sterrett <br />was partially disabl&d and Mr. Sterrett was disabled and legally blind. He <br />advised that since the initial variance was granted in May, 1985 that business <br />had increased and they were receiving complaints from people not being able to <br />find their home to have C.B.s repaired, creating traffic problems in front of <br />their home. He stated that they would like to erect a small sign and place it <br />somewhere between the ditch in the front yard and the house, approximately <br />in the location of the current flag pole as depicted in pictures given as <br />exhibits. Mr. Stovall said that there were other signs in the area including <br />Mooresville Savings & Loan, the church, Neil Armstrong School, Spring Hill <br />Apartments, the Senior Center and other signs on down 144. He stated that this <br />was a low threshold commercial enterprise which would not require an expansion <br />of the business in the home or parking. He next introduced other people <br />supporting the business including Raymond Bowers. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bowers stated that he did support the business and knew Mrs. Sterrett, <br />being her foreman at work at Automative Armature and was aware of her heart <br />problems and need to have the additional financial help at home. Next, Kenneth <br />Kerns stated that he knew Mr. Sterrett and that he does good work. Fred Taylor <br />from East Harrison Street then spoke stating that it was hard to find a good <br />place to have CBs worked on felt it was difficult to locate Mr. Sterrett's <br />business without a sign. Clarence Stone of Gasburg, then stated that he had <br />sent several people to find the business and that it was hazard trying to locate <br />this location by looking for mailboxes. Mr. Spencer from 79 Sweetwood Drive <br />stated that he pulled in the drive next door trying to find this business and <br /> <br /> <br />