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-6- <br /> <br />had to back out onto the highway. Chairman Oschman then asked about the <br />mailbox sign and the size of the l~tters. Mr. Sterrett suggested the letters <br />were from 1½ to 2" tall. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Hanm~ of 1029 State Road 144 then spoke. He stated that he <br /> <br />was against the sign and questioned the crushed stone which was recently put <br />in the driveway to expand the parking while Mr. Sterrett was saying he wasn't <br />increasing the business. He also stated that the use of the sign was not <br />compatible with the residential use and this would be spot zoning. He stated <br />that he was not against the business, only the sign. He felt that this had <br />been agreed to a year ago and since then Mr. Sterrett has had his sign out <br />repeatedly and the chair out in front of his house did not cover it. He <br />stated that the letters on the mail box were significantly higher and felt <br />that this was adequate. <br /> <br /> Next Norma Poteet of 1121 Rooker Road spoke. She stated she lived in <br /> this area for a number of years and felt that this was improper to have a business <br /> in the Boyd Heights subdivision due to the restricive covenants. She had fears <br /> regarding traffic, interference due to the business with her t.v.~ and that the <br /> original terms of the variance should be agreed to. <br /> <br /> A petition of Raymond Bower from April 1985 was introduced and he stated <br /> that he had talked to some of the people again and asked if they still agreed <br /> with this and he could not recall specifically what all of the individuals had <br /> said but felt, in general, that they did. Mrs. Hamm then stated that she felt <br /> she was not against the business, only against the sign and that the mailbox <br /> was satisfactory. Mrs. Tapp said she had spoke with some neighbors who are <br /> against this. Richard Heald stated that he felt the safety aspect should <br /> require a turn-around in the driveway and stated further that the mailbox <br /> sign was not sufficient. Steve Edwards also spoke to the petition stating <br /> that the Board has the ability to limit the size of the sign and that this <br /> <br /> <br />