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public streets in the area where the improvements are <br />to be made in accordance with the granting of the variance. <br />and then moved that the variance be granted allowing a part-time beauty salon <br />in the home with the restrictions that said business only be opened half days <br />on Wednesday and from 9:00 to 6:00 on Thursday and Friday with a limitation on <br />the sign that it be non-illuminated and not more than 2 square feet. This was <br />seconded by Warren Franklin and unanimously carried by a majority of the Board <br />which included the 3 members present. <br /> <br /> The next item on the agenda was application 1-1984 which was filed by <br />Shirley Christner on the property located at 116 S. Indiana Street, requesting <br />a zoning variance to rent property for use as a commercial hearing aid sales <br />and repair business. Mrs. Christner was represented by her attorney, Tom Kough, <br />who proceeded to identify the property which is just south of Dairyland. He showed <br />the limited parking which was available and further advised that it was the type <br />of business had very little traffic. Mr. Kough pointed out other businesses in <br />the area including the antique shop, Mooresville Muffler, Dairyland, and other <br />commercial businesses north on Indiana from said residence. He also advised that <br />the business would have little noise and no pollution. <br /> <br /> Chairman Oschman then requested any remonstrators or other parties from the <br />floor to address the Board. Bob Patterson of 124 S. Indiana Street advised that he <br />owned the house directly across the alley from the Christner property and had resided <br />there for 18 years. He said he had no objection to the hearing aid business only <br />that he wanted a clarification of the length of the variance. The Board's Attorney <br />advised that the variance to run the hearing aid sale and repair would go with the <br />property owner and would be in effect so long as she did own said real property. <br /> <br /> Raymond Gregory of i1W. Harrison Street had a question about parking and <br />in particular if the garage was torn down if a privacy fence could be placed between <br />his property and the Christner property. Neither of the parties had any problem <br /> <br /> <br />