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with this request. Wendell Thaler then made the following findings of fact: <br /> <br /> 1. That there are exceptional and extraordinary <br /> circumstances or conditions applicable to the <br /> property of the petitioners and to the intended <br /> use that does not apply generally to the other <br /> property or class of use in the same vicinity <br /> and in the district in which it is located. <br /> <br /> 2. That the variance is necessary for the preservation <br /> and enjoyment of a substantial property right <br /> possessed by other property in the same vicinity <br /> and district if such variance was not granted. <br /> <br /> 3. That the granting of such variance will not be materially <br /> detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the <br /> property or improvements in the vicinity and district <br /> in which the subject property is located. <br /> <br /> 4. That granting of such variance will not alter the land <br /> use characteristics of the vicinity and the district <br /> in which such property is located ar diminish the <br /> marketable value of adjacent land and the improvements <br /> or cause or add to additional traffic congestion to the <br /> public streets in the area where the improvements are <br /> <br />to be made in accordance with the granting of the variance. <br />Then Wendell Thaler made a motion that the variance be granted allowing the zoning <br />variance for the commercial sale and repair of hearing aid equipment with a stipulation <br />that if the garage was removed during the continuation of the business on the premises <br />that a privacy fence must be erected between that property and the property at 11W. <br />Harrison Street. This was seconded by Steve 0schman with Steve Oschman and Wendell <br /> <br /> <br />