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Thaler voting in favor of the motion and Warren Franklin voting against said motion. <br />~here not being a majority vote the Board then opened up the meeting to further <br />discussion. After some discussion by Shirley Christner explaining the variance to <br />the Board Chairman Oschman then proceeded to hear an additional motion. <br />none presented the matter was tabled until the next meeting of March 21, <br />all parties being present so advised. <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was <br />adjourned upon motion duly made and seconded. <br /> <br />There being <br />1984 with <br /> <br />StYe Oschman, <br /> <br />~a~rren Franklin, S~e-cretary <br />Dated: March 21, 1984 <br /> <br /> <br />