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in question consisting of one 90 acre tract and the 11½ acres which were already <br />rezoned I-Industrial in 1984. Mr. Lawson proceeded to point out the importance <br />of growth in a con~nunity and the overall planning for said growth in certain <br />development areas. In this area in question he pointed out the railroad spur, <br />the sewage treatment plant, Theising Veneer and their proposed operation resulting <br />in better buffer from industrial use in future years. It was pointed out that <br />the petition before the Board was not for rezoning the property, only for a special <br />exception and use. It was further pointed out that no contract on the mining <br />had been given and that Mr. Tidler and Burdin had planned to do the development <br />of this operation. The future use of the area as a recreational lake would <br />be a good buffer and not offensive to any subdivisions in the area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lawson advised that the three uses being requested would be 1) removal <br /> <br />of the overburden 2) removal of the gravel and 3) the recreational lake. The <br />area described in Exhibit "1" is in the flood plain and approval of the Indiana <br />Department Natural Resources had been requested and permission had been granted. <br />Exhibit "2" was then presented to the Board. Exhibit "2" was a letter from the <br />Indiana Department of Natural Resources granting approval for the mining <br /> <br />operation so long as it was 75 feet back from the stream. There were some <br /> <br />additional standards stated on keeping the stream clear. <br /> <br /> Exhibit "3" was then presented which was the form of the letter of notice <br /> <br />sent to adjoining property owners. Mr. Lawson then advised that no blasting or <br />drilling would take place, that this would be a wet process operation with no <br />lights and no weekend work. He advised that the Board could not so restrict this <br />operation but feels that it is important that the neighbors would be interested in <br />knowing what type of operation would take place. He pointed out in the Mooresville <br />Zoning Ordinance that mineral extraction was by special exception; however, it was <br />permitted in all classes of use. He further advised that the motive for the petitioners <br />was profit, but gravel is necessary for growth and development in any area. He next <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />