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went through the special exception procedure of going to the Plan Commission, <br />a 9 member board, and their duty to make a finding as to whether the use would <br />adversely affect the Master Plan. In this particular instance he advised that <br />the vote was 8 to 0 in favor of the operation with 1 member not being present. <br />Exhibit "8" was then presented which was the letter from the Mooresville Plan <br />Commission to the Board of Zoning Appeals showing their findings. Exhibit "4" <br />was then presented which consisted of pictures lettered A through D showing <br />another sand and gravel operation on 267 and the development areas around it. <br />Exhibit "5" showed a similar sand and gravel operation and a subdivision development <br />after the operation had been mined with similar homes to the subdivision adjoining <br />the east of the property in question. Exhibit "6" was then admitted which showed <br />a gravel operation completed north of Exhibit "5" which had a subdivision on it. <br />Mr. Lawson then advised that no concrete or asphalt paving plant was being <br />proposed here only a gravel operation. He stated that the area is compatible <br />to having this operation beside all adjoining property owners and feels there <br />would no problem with noise and dust level. In addition to this he advised that <br />the zoning ordinance does have limits on the noise and dust levels if this <br />became a problem. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lawson stated that the petitioners felt the natural screening of almost <br /> 100 yards between the area and the subdivision would be more than an adequate <br /> buffer. Mr. Lawson then presented Exhibit "7" which was a list of the six items <br /> in'the Town's ordinance which the Board of Zoning Appeals must make an affirmative <br /> finding on . He advised that if items 1 through 6 are not violated then the Board <br /> must grant the special exception. Mr. Lawson then proceeded to state that item 3 <br /> was basically what the Plan Commission had found in that the area would not <br /> adversely affect the Master Plan. That under item 2 the area was next to an <br /> industrial area on one side and buffered by the other area making it compatible <br /> and not injurious to the adjoining areas. The same as to item 4 and 5 was pointed <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />