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out. Under item 6 the natural screen would protect the adjoining areas and <br />with the industrial use beside them this would not be an improper use in this <br />district. As to items 1 and 2, the industrial park and natural buffer would <br />protect all interest and this would be a natural expansion of the industrial <br />park and irmnediate area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lawson then pointed out the law in Indiana under a case cited as <br />421NE2nd 1119 holding that once the critera of the ordinance of a town was met <br />for a special exception it could not be denied. <br /> <br /> Petitioners then advised that Mr. Tidler had been a good neighbor for 10 <br />years and expected to be so in the future. ~he petitioners then rested. The <br />remonstrators were then given an opportunity to proceed. Tom Kough, attorney <br />fromMooresville, representing Phil and Signe Nicholson who resided in the <br />adjoining subdivision. Signe wa~ also a spokesperson for the neighborhood. <br />Signe proceeded to advise that she lived at 24 Carol Lane and by trade was a <br />city planner. She introduced her first Exhibit "A", a map. Likewise Exhibit "B" <br />a map showing the flood plain area of Morgan County as an area not to be built <br />in was presented. In particular the area in question was described as an area <br />in which improvement should not be placed. Exhibit "C" was then admitted which <br />showed a map depicting the protected bottom land areas of Morgan County where <br />development was not to take place. The area which is the subject of this zoning <br />petition was contained within the bottom land area depicted on the map. Mrs. <br />Nicholson then proceeded to advise that at a prior meeting of the Morgan County <br />Plan Commission rezoning had been rejected for reasons of water fill up which <br />would affect the surrounding water supply. In particular she pointed out the <br />Bureau of Natural Resources had approved the surface water effects but not the <br />underground water supply effects. In particular she pointed out there was no <br />guarantee on the water supply and the effect this operation would have on it to <br />the adjoining land owners. She advised of certain problems they had had in <br />obtaining water, in particular, five wells were drilled before adequate water was <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br /> <br />