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obtained for their home. Exhibit "D" was then presented which was a map from <br />the Morgan County Plan Co~m~ission showing severe industrial limitations in the <br />area which was the subject of this special exception. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Nicholson then proceeded to advise that the mining operation would <br />be a slow one over 10 to 20 years and that this was a significant time to be <br />mining and many changes could take place from the proposed wet operation. She <br />also advised that the wet crusher had an effect on the area in making silt which <br />would fill up the area and after settling would make the recreational lake not <br />functional. She also advised that if the operation was 90 feet deep it would <br />take an exceptional amount of water to fill it up. This would be a problem <br />for children in the area. <br /> <br /> She also advised that in the case that new ownership would take over that <br /> <br /> any type of operation could be placed in there to mine the gravel and that it <br /> <br /> may not be compatible to the subdivision. <br /> <br /> Next she brought out that the property value would be effected and the <br /> decrease in property values would be anywhere from 30 to 40%. It was also <br /> brought out that this would be the third gravel pit in the Mooresville buffer <br /> zone. <br /> <br /> Exhibit "E" was then introduced showing 79 children on the streets in <br /> <br /> the subdivision and she pointed out how frequently these children spent time in <br /> the creek fishing and playing and that it was most difficult to keep them away <br /> from this. That with a gravel pit in the area it would be difficult to keep the <br /> children from going into this area likewise and potential harm occuring. <br /> In sumtmary Mrs. Nicholson advised that the planning and development in <br /> future growth must be waived against current use. <br /> <br /> Tom Kough then proceeded for thm remons£rators. Mr. Kough pointed out that <br /> the industrial operation and industrial park was actually started after tAe first <br /> homes were built in the subdivision adjoining this area. He further advised that <br /> homes in the area were exceptionally nice ones and that the owners should have some <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />