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expectation of continuing property values and nice homes. He advised that the <br />adverse impact to the financial interest of the home owners would be significant <br />and unfair with the potential injury of loss of water. Further that the gravel <br />pit would infringe on the value of the properties and future enjoyment of the <br />properties. In particular he cited I.C. 34-1-1-52(1) stating that a possible <br />nuisance would be created by the gravel pit operation. Mr. Kough believed that <br />the proposed use would have an adverse impact on the property in question. <br /> <br /> Larry Burns of 1462 Stevens Street, Mooresville, Indiana then spoke for <br /> <br />the remonstrators. He advised that he had a wife and two children and felt the <br />creek as a buffer between the subdivision and the gravel pit was certainly not <br />adequate in that it is generally approximately 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. He <br />felt this would not keep people out. He also said his home had a value in excess <br />of $100,000.00 and he had to drill 8 wells and needs 2 wells to keep his household <br />functioning. His concern that this could wipe out his house. He believes this <br />use would not be compatible and that the gravel operation would ruin the peace <br />of the area which currently is quiet. He advised that his balcony overlooks the <br />proposed mining operation and he does not want to look out and see this all the <br />time. In addition he stated that his ground is not 100 yards away from this <br />operation only 70 feet away from his property. He invited the Board to look <br />at his property and how it sits higher than the property in question and would <br />overlook the same. He requested the Board to think of this when they made their <br />decision. <br /> <br /> Duane Gaddis then spoke for the remonstrators. Mr. Gaddis stated he owns <br /> <br />5½ acres adjoining the front field up on the hill. Mr. Gaddis stated that he <br />currently looks into the industrial park and the block company which has in his <br />opinion not followed the rules and has created an industrial dump. He advised that <br />the area doesn't flood but backs up and then recedes. <br /> <br /> Darrell Ewing of 15 Carol Lane then spoke. He advised if this use was allowed <br /> that the Board stipulate that the petitioners would pay for any water problems <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br /> <br />