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resulting. He also advised that if anyone died in the gravel pit swimming that <br />nothing could be done about this. <br /> <br /> David Pugh then spoke from 10 Vernon Drive. He advised that he moved to <br />Willwood Manor after looking at some of the areas in Plainfield adjacent to the <br />old mining operations but chose Willwood because the lots were bigger and quiet <br />and proportioned better. He felt that the mining operation would prevent the <br />area from remaining quiet. He also had a fear about water, advising that it <br />took 5 wells for him to find sufficient water source. He advised that if water <br />could be assured he would not be as adamant against this project. Next John May <br />of 2 Wilson Drive spoke. He advisedlthat he commutes to Brownsburg and passes <br />the area on 267 which was depicted in petitioner's exhibits as examples of <br />developed areas after a miming operation. He advised that since 1982 the one <br />area in question had changed from a nice quiet cornfield to a gravel pit. <br />He also advised that the area had changed realtors three times during this <br />period. Finally he pointed out that the buffer zone area between the subdivision <br />and the mining operation would not be present as shown in the picture during the <br />winter after the leaves are off the trees and that there was certainly was no <br />guarantee on their property values. He advised that he has water problems and <br />has to allow his water to sit to get rid of the silt in it. <br /> <br /> Iris Joseph of 1435 Rooker Road then spoke. She stated that her farm house <br />was in the highest level in the area and has had water problems in the past. She <br />felt that the noise level from this operation and from 67 would increase. She also <br />had concern for the safety of children in the area. <br /> <br /> Larry Benson of 22 Wilson Drive then spoke. Mr. Benson wondered how the <br /> operation would be monitored, controlled and what about the truck traffic going <br /> onto 67 along with the dust from the trucks. He advised that he had 2 wells drilled <br /> and the quality of water due to sand and dust was a problem. <br /> <br /> Mike Lennis of 3 Carol Lane then spoke. He stated that he had well problems <br /> <br />-7- <br /> <br /> <br />