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water safe. He then pointed out that since the well records showed that the <br /> area was not completely static ms shown in the exhibit, some of the water might <br /> not flow through the flood plan as assumed on the exhibit. Respondents then <br /> admited their Exhibit "A", the well records of Donald Endsley into the record. <br /> <br />Dr. Satoskar then advised that it was impossible to cure ground water contamination <br />once it has spread to an area and that it is never desirable to risk such cont- <br />tamination that close to a residential area. In particular, he pointed out the <br />potential discharge from the sanitation facility and the effluent which it could <br />easily discharge into the gravel pit. He added that once such contamination is <br />injected into the pit from there to the adjacent grounds is a very realistic <br />possibility of contamination. He then pointed out that the model used by the <br />petitioners does not answer this possibility. <br /> <br /> He explained that this would be another potentially adverse environmental <br />impact on the community. Then referring to petitioners' Exhibit "A", which <br />shows 14 feet of clay on top of the grave, he explained how that retarded the <br />runoff water polution from contaminating the subterranean water. His final con- <br />clusion was that he would not recommend putting any type of operation like this <br />close~ to any population area. Chairman Oschman asked what a safe distance would <br />be and the response was that a better model would have to be provided to properly <br />illustrate such a distance. <br /> <br /> Wendell Thaler asked Dr. Satoskar if he had any test borings performed and <br />the response to this was no he was relying upon the two well reports on the Gaddis <br />property which had been run by Donald Endsley. Attorney Korn then addressed the <br />Dr. as to the significance of the well report. He stated that it showed the area <br />was not consistent ~s shown in the model and that the effect could be different <br />than the model illustrated. In particular, he advised that the water will travel <br /> <br />-9- <br /> <br /> <br />