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to the deeper aquifer and could polute the deeper aquifer which could effect <br />the well areas. He further stated that by taking the blanket of protection off <br />of the subterranean water, additional contamination problems could occur. <br />Wendell Thaler asked about the proximity of similar types of operation to the <br />Town's water supply system. He was advised that this could be a problem. <br /> <br /> Attorney Korn then again addressed the prevailing wind direction. In <br />particular the effects of the sand and gravel operation due to the wind. Dr. <br />Smtoskar said that even after a wet operation is completed, certain amounts of <br />dust and polution will blow across. He also advised that there was significant <br />amounts of wild life in the area which would be affected. <br /> <br /> Tom Kough then introduced Signe Nicholson of 24 Carol Lane and qualified <br />her as an expert city planner. Signe Nicholson then went on to explain the <br />Special Exception procedure within the ordinance. Attorney Dave Lawson objected <br />to the explanation stating that it was beyond the limits in scope of the evidence <br />which was to be covered at this second hearing. The Board told Mrs. Nicholson to <br />continue but to direct her cormments towards the issue of property values. She <br />then proceeded to explain significance of the proposed mining operation as it <br />pertains to the requirements to be met in the Special Exception ordinance section <br />of the Mooresville Zoning Ordinance found in Chapter 5, 1 through 6. <br /> <br /> She first said that Item 1 was not met in that the proposed use was a danger <br />to the water supply. She referred to the handout which was presented to the Board <br />as an exhibit. Attorney Dave Lawson objected to the use of the flood plain refer- <br />ences by the Morgan County Master Plan use. He stated that this was a misstatement <br />of the record and repetitive. The objection was so noted but the exhibit was <br />allowed to stand %n its own merits to be weighed for whatever value it might have, <br />since there were other exhibits within the document other than this all of the <br /> <br />-10- <br /> <br /> <br />