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exhibit was admitted, with reference to be made to the objections in weighing <br />the evidence. Mrs. Nicholson then went on to state that the flow problems of the <br />sewer plant upstream in the wet season could create additional polution problems <br />to the pit and surrounding area. She stated the importance of the zoning <br />principal of land use plans and separation of living areas from other land use <br />areas. She stated that the number of children in Wellwood and Springhill <br />Apartments created a conflict with land use and compatibility. <br /> <br /> As to Item 2 of the requirements under the Special Exception procedure, she <br />said the two uses were not compatible and that the proposed special use would be <br />injurious to the use and enjoyment of the surrounding properties. <br /> <br /> As to Item 3 of the required findings, she stated that the appraisal of <br /> <br />Jim Arnold, a licensed appraiser, stated that the Wellwood property values would <br />be effected and in particular their property would lose approximately 35% of the <br />appraised $200,000.00 figure. In addition, she stated that the proposed use <br />would reduce the market values and impede area development. <br /> <br /> Next dealing with Item 4 of the findings, she stated that adequate access <br />roads had not been provided into the areas and likewise addressing Item 5, the <br />number of traffic lights in the area to control the area from truck traffic con- <br />gestion would increase significantly to the possibility of three lights within <br />6/10 of a mile. She felt that this wo~Lld be a negative affect to the community <br />as a whole. <br /> <br /> Finally addressing finding No. 6, she stated that all other requirements in <br />the ordinance could not be met and for this reason the property should not be <br />granted the Special Exception. <br /> <br /> Finally, Mrs. Nicholson stated that the property values of the area would be <br />effected and in her opinion as a City Planner the proposed use would adversely <br />affect the Town and values, including the tax base due to the loss in value of <br /> <br />the residential area. <br /> -11- <br /> <br /> <br />