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Wendell Thaler then asked Mrs. Nicholson if she understood the request <br /> <br />of the petitioners to be primarily to obtain the fill for the I1½ acres that <br />are rezoned industrial. She stated that other areas could be found for fill <br />dirt. He next questioned whether or not she would agree with the I Industrial <br />zoning. She stated she was not familiar with the Mooresville Plan, but based <br />upon the Morgan County Master ~lan would disagree with it. <br /> <br /> Attorney Dave Lawson then commented that the Morgan County Comprehensive <br />Plan does not apply to the Mooresville Buffer Zone which is strictly controlled <br />by the Mooresville Plan Commission. He likewise addressed the issue of the <br />pictures within the exhibit of the remonstrators handed out by Mrs. Nicholson <br />and stated that the actual screening should be used as a basis of any decision <br />and not the pictures. Remonstrators Exhibit "C" was then submitted as an <br />exhibit and admitted by the Board. <br /> <br /> The Board then said they would hear closing statements from both counsel. <br />Attorney Lawson advised that they would close based upon the evidence submitted. <br />Attorney Sam Korn stated that the Board was in a position of weighing the use <br />of free land for fill in the industrial area versus potential water contamination <br />and property values to the surrounding areas. He stated that the parties moved <br />there without a gravel pit and needed to be protected from this late comer. <br /> <br /> Wendell Thaler then moved that the Board needed additional time to study the <br />complexity of the materials presented and that the Board should take the matter <br />under advisement until the next meeting of October 17, 1984. Tilford Bailey <br />seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. <br /> <br />The Board them proceeded to the next item on the agenda, the petition filed <br />by Joel A. Beebe and Bonnie K. Beebe of 117 Church Street. The petition requested <br /> <br />-12- <br /> <br /> <br />