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Mr. Frank Stout stated that he did not want a mobile home there at <br />all because it would lessen the value of his property if he decides to <br />sell. Mrs. Stout asked whether the land would be cleared of shrubs and <br />greenery anymore than what it already has been. Mr. McConnell responded <br />that he had no plans to tear down anymore greenery and would leave up <br />whatever shrubbery the neighbors desired. Chairman Oschman finding no <br />further comments from the floor, moved to the Board and asked for <br />discussion on whether the proper procedure for the stated request was <br />that of a variance or a special exception. The Board unanimously agreed <br />that the variance was the proper procedure in this matter and stated that <br />the main basis for this decision was that in their opinion the special <br />exception procedure did not allow for a time limitation to be place on <br />the use allowed by the granting of the special exception. <br /> <br /> Wendell Thaler moved to grant a variance to place a mobile home on <br />the petition property for a period not to exceed December 31, 1989, and <br />that this variance be granted solely for the use by Mr. McConnell as a <br />personal residence. Mr. Thaler further moved the Board reduce the <br />restrictions established by the ordinance by waiving the requirement of <br />a permanent footing but that all other requirements were to be met. The <br />motion was seconded by Paul Walters and unanimously approved. <br /> <br /> Chairman Oschman asked the attorney to send a letter to Mr. McConnell <br /> confirming these findings. <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />