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MINUTES OF THE MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met in a specially called session <br /> <br />on Wednesday the 29th day of September, 1982 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at the Mooresville <br />Town Hall. Present were Board Members Paul Walters, Nan Kollmeyer, Ray House, Warren <br />Franklin, and Steve Oschman. The Board's Attorney Tim Currens was also present. <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Paul Walters and minutes of the last <br />meeting were read by all members and approved. <br /> <br /> The Board proceeded to the first order of business which was a petition for a <br />variance as a special exception to allow petitioner Hoosier Water Company, Inc. to <br />construct and place a water storage tank on a one acre track of real estate located <br />on the south side of State Road 144 East of Johnson Road. The water company was <br />represented by John E. Mills Attorney and J. H. Fondren, Kevin Smith, and Cary J. Gaw. <br />Mr. Mills explained that the property was currently owned by John and Geneve Loudermilk <br />who had signed an affidavit showing their consent to this petition for variance. The <br />purpose of the water company for wanting the variance and placing the water tank was <br />based upon a need for additional service and to create better and more constant <br />water pressure for the Town of Mooresville. They felt that this was necessary for <br />their operation to properly serve the Mooresville community. The Board had no <br />questions from the water company representatives and Chairman Walters then opened up <br />questions from the floor. Don Kouns of 932 South Johnson Road had a question as to <br />whether or not people on South Johnson Road would be able to connect. He was advised <br />that the water company would allow anyone to connect who through their own expense <br />would run a line to the main. The water company also advised that any hydrants from <br />this line would be placed by the water company as directed by the fire department <br />for the Town of Mooresville. They also advised that a chain link fence around the <br />whole property would be maintained and the tank would be properly painted and <br /> <br /> <br />