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explained that there was currently one other ex-employee of the 'town <br /> that was receiving unemployment benefits and that the money was <br /> coming out of that departments budget. <br /> Commissioner Berwick questioned a person receiving unemployment <br /> that had quit his job and Town Board President Watkins explained there <br /> was a difference between receiving unemployment and the Town of <br /> Mooresville being charged for it, or having the money taken out of our <br /> budget. Town Board President Watkins also explained that once a claim <br /> is filed and sent to the employer, the employer only has ten days to <br /> respond to the claim. <br /> Commissioner Bryant questioned how Whitley could apply for benefits <br /> when he had been gone from the Police Department for over a year. <br /> Town Board President Watkins explained a little more about the process <br /> for filing a claim and the length of time in which any person has to do <br /> so. Town Board President Watkins stated that the unemployment goes <br /> back for the last 24 months of employment. <br /> Chief Viles advised that he had spoken with the head investigator from <br /> Workforce Development, Betty Titus, who stated that Whitley filed for <br /> unemployment on December 11, 2010. Chief Viles stated that he first <br /> became aware of it when the Clerk Treasurer Sandy Perry advised him a <br /> few weeks ago. Chief Viles stated that only two payments have been <br /> made to Whitley as of this meeting. <br /> Commissioner Bryant asked if this was going to hinder hiring an officer <br /> to replace the officer that had resigned a week ago. Town Board <br /> President Watkins stated that he didn't think so but he also wanted the <br /> Police Commission to be aware of the situation involving the <br /> unemployment and the need for a policy to be in place to cover this type <br /> of situation in the future. <br /> Town Board President Watkins mentioned the possibility of furloughs <br /> with any new employee that was hired in the future. Town Board <br /> President Watkins stated that as far as hiring a 22nd police officer that it <br />