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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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that legal counsel is working through some documents that are related to Cherry Blossom Way and <br />asked if legal counsel was comfortable awarding the bid subject to the receipt of final documentation <br />from adjacent property owners or if the RDC needed to wait. Attorney Currens indicated he advised the <br />RDC to wait for the final documentation be received from adjacent property owners. Commissioner <br />Gutzwiller requested Manns contact Banning Engineering and update them on the status, including the <br />intention of awarding the bid to Milestone Contractors, LP. <br />No new business. <br />Legal Update: Attorney Currens had a copy of the previously passed MOU and Temporary Construction <br />Easement between the RDC and H&R that needed a signature. Commissioner Boyd motioned to make <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller signatory. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stultz and passed 5-0. <br />Attorney Currens also had an updated copy of the JAS Cinema lease. On page six, a typo was discovered <br />which affected the lease rates. The tenant has signed the updated lease and the RDC needed to sign the <br />copy as well. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to accept the change and to appoint <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller signatory on the updated JAS Cinema lease. The motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Corman and passed 5-0. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: Manns updated the RDC that most of March was spent <br />working on CAM Expenses and the coordination of Cherry Blossom Way. She indicated she also sent <br />letters to each of the downtown tenants regarding ADA compliance and only Karen Rogers at 1 West <br />Main had responded. She will work with Commissioner Beikman and REA to move this forward. Manns <br />also reported that one candidate had already removed their signs from the former Remster property <br />and that the other had indicated he couldn't remove it until the following Sunday. The Commission <br />asked that Manns wait until Monday and if they are still onsite, that a call be made to the state since <br />they are in the state right-of-way. Additionally, there was a sign on the property for Troy the Plumber <br />and the Commission requested Manns call the owner to have him remove his sign. Two no parking signs <br />are also on site but need restaked. The Commission asked Manns to work with Dave Moore and the <br />street department to see if they could restake those signs. <br />Manns also provided the RDC with a copy of the Annual Report which must be presented to the Town <br />Council as well as the state. Manns worked with Attorney Currens and Clerk Treasurer Perry to <br />complete the report. Attorney Currens thanked Manns for her assistance and explained this has been <br />something rather time consuming in the past. With Manns completing a draft of the report for legal <br />counsel's review, it saves the RDC money. Commissioner Corman motioned the annual report be <br />accepted as is. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Gutzwiller indicated that Commissioner Beikman had previously <br />requested that all REA claims be considered separate from the rest. Commissioner Boyd made the <br />motion to accept claims as presented excluding the REA claims. The motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Stultz and passed 5-0. Commission Gutzwiller provided two separate claims by REA: one <br />from March for $4,151.60 and one for April for $3,543.33. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to <br />deny the March claim of $4,151.60 because it dealt with the Gateway project and hasn't been <br />completed to the RDC's likings. Corman seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 (Commissioner <br />Gutzwiller). Commissioner Corman made the motion to approve the April claim for $3,543.33 to REA. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyd and passed 5-0. <br />
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