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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Bill Boyd, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was present. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was present for a portion of the meeting. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was <br />present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Corman and seconded by Commissioner Beikman to approve the <br />minutes from March 3rd as well as the Executive Session minutes and Public Meeting minutes from <br />March 311t. Motion carried 5-0. <br />There was no financial report provided for the month. <br />Gateway Project Update: Commissioner Gutzwiller informed the RDC that we are close to bidding the <br />Indiana Street project. The RDC is awaiting one document and hopes to have further guidance in the <br />near future. <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller also informed the RDC that he met with Rundell Ernstberger and Associates <br />(REA) Principal and Project Manager Carl Kincaid in March to discuss the RDC's frustration on the <br />Gateway project. A punch list has been provided by REA to Gilbraltar regarding the gateway signs and <br />obelisk. Commissioner Gutzwiller explained that the landscaping component hasn't been substantially <br />completed since we are unsure what survived the winter. The warranty on the landscaping will not <br />begin until the landscaping has entered substantial completion and a punch list has been provided to <br />the contractor. Commissioner Gutwiller informed the RDC that REA has informed Gilbraltar that their <br />work and timeline has been less than satisfactory and that if they do not complete the punch list in a <br />timely manner, the RDC will find another contractor to complete the work. The RDC has withheld funds <br />and has the authority to do so until the project is completed. Commissioner Beikman commented that <br />he feels many of the lighting problems are not the fault of the contractor but are a design flaw. Manns <br />clarified Commissioner Gutzwiller's earlier comments regarding lighting issues. She further explained <br />there are two lighting issues: one within the torch and another regarding the spotlights directed on the <br />torch. REA had indicated in an email that the contractor as well as an electrician were onsite last week <br />to move the spotlights to the designated locations per the specifications. <br />Attorney Currens entered the meeting. <br />Southbridge: Manns updated the Commission on the broken lights located at the north and south end <br />of Southbridge Crossing. CBRE has indicated they are working on receiving quotes to fix the broken <br />lights and hope to have those in the coming weeks. Commissioner Corman stated there is some activity <br />but has no update at this time. <br />Old Business: Commissioner Gutzwiller acknowledged the bids that were received at the last meeting <br />for the construction of Cherry Blossom Way. The bids were given to Banning Engineering Project <br />Manager Eric Wathen who reviewed the bids to make sure they met the specifications. Wathen <br />provided in writing that the lowest bidder, Milestone Contractors LP, met the bid specifications and it is <br />{ his recommendation that the RDC select Milestone Contractors I.P. Commissioner Gutzwiller indicated <br />