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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Bill Boyd, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was absent. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. <br />Gateway Project Update — Indiana Street: Manns shared with the RDC that the Indiana Street Steering <br />Committee had met previously with the consultant and engineers to go over the final construction <br />documents. She then provided a proposed timeline for the project as follows: <br />• April 23—Advertise in Mooresville Times <br />• April 25 - Plans are available for interested bidders in Clerk Treasurer's office <br />• April 27—Advertise in Mooresville Times <br />• May 11— Advertise in Mooresville Times <br />• May 12 — Pre-bid Meeting <br />• May 16 — Final Questions Due <br />• May 18 — Final Addenda <br />• May 25 — Bid Opening <br />• June 2—Award Bid <br />The RDC decided to have the bid opening at 4:30pm on May 251h with bids being due to the Clerk <br />Treasurer by 4:OOpm. Commissioner Stultz made the motion to accept the proposed timeline and to <br />move forward with the Indiana Street bidding process. Commissioner Beikman seconded the motion <br />which passed 5-0. <br />Cherry Blossom Way— Commissioner Gutzwiller stated that as indicated in the previous meeting, <br />Milestone Contractors LP was the lowest bidder that met all of the specifications provided by the <br />engineers with a bid of $1,285,000. Commissioner Corman made the motion that the RDC award the <br />construction of Cherry Blossom Way to Milestone Contractors LP with the bid of $1,285,000 and named <br />Harold Gutzwiller signatory. Commission Stultz seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. <br />Amended TIF Plan —Attorney Currens presented the RDC with an update to the Amended 2016 TIF Plan. <br />This version is identical to the previous one provided but excludes the additions of the parcels previously <br />owned by the RDC south of Pleaides Drive. Attorney Currens explained those parcels had been added <br />per the request of the County Accessor but after further review, those parcels are already in the plan. <br />Commissioner Corman made the motion to accept the new Amended TIF Plan as presented. The motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Beikman and carried 5-0. In addition, Attorney Currens provided an <br />amendment to Resolution 2, which pertains to the Amended TIF Plan. Commissioner Beikman made the <br />motion to accept the amended Resolution as presented and the motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Boyd. The motion passed 5-0. <br />For the Good of the Order— Attorney Currens provided an update regarding the Regional Construction <br />lease at Southbridge Crossing. Attorney Currens met with Regional Construction and the broker <br />regarding issues they have had with their building the tenant has stated were issues when they originally <br />