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moved in. They have requested they are not liable for fixing these issues which include but are not <br />limited to: windows, fire suppression and tiles in the ceiling. Attorney Currens is reviewing the changes <br />and will provide an updated lease to the Commission. In order to keep this moving forward, <br />Commissioner Boyd approved the modifications to the lease as described, naming Commissioner <br />Gutzwiller Signatory. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />Attorney Currens presented several items pertaining to RMAC, LLC. The documents include a temporary <br />Construction Easement, Deed and Planting Strip Easement for Cherry Blossom Way as well as the <br />Exchange of Property. Commissioner Beikman asked whether or not the 5ft planting easement was <br />adjacent to the Right Of Way (ROW) or in the ROW. Attorney Currens confirmed it was adjacent to the <br />ROW. Commissioner Corman made the motion to approve the three agreements and the Quitclaim <br />Deed as presented. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />Claims — Commissioner Corman made the motion to accept the utility claims as presented. <br />Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion which passed 5-0. <br />Commissioner Stultz made the motion to adjourn. <br />The Commission's next meeting will be Thursday, May 5 at 6:OOPM. <br />Chariman <br />ATTEST: <br />Secretary <br />