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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Bill Boyd, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was present. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Corman and seconded by Commissioner Beikman to approve the <br />executive session and public meeting minutes from both April 6" as well as April 21". Motion carried 5- <br />0. <br />Financials were presented by email from the Clerk -Treasurer previously. Commissioner Boyd made the <br />motion to accept the financials as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stutlz and it <br />passed 5-0. <br />Gateway Project Update: Manns provided an update from Rundell Ernstberger and Associates (REA) <br />regarding the Gateway Project. Project Manager Carl Kincaid with REA provided a written update that <br />he had spoken several times with Joe at Gibraltar as well as R&M Electric regarding the new lenses. <br />They were anticipating installing the lenses and fixing the metal work the week of May 2nd but due to <br />the rain, have been delayed. Gibraltar has reported that they need at least 3-5 dry days in order to not <br />damage the lawn and landscaping with the lifts needed to perform the work. He believes it will take <br />approximately 5-7 days to complete the hardscape punch list. <br />Gibraltar has spoken with Gray Brothers regarding their lawn on the west side of Indiana Street and has <br />informed them that they will be restoring it back to previous conditions. <br />REA has been onsite to review plant material last week but not all of the material was out of dormancy. <br />They are tentatively planning on returning to Mooresville the week of May 9" to perform a punch list, <br />weather permitting. This is the last punch list that Gibraltar needs. <br />Southbridge Crossing: There is no business to report. <br />Old Business: Manns reported that there was a preconstruction meeting for Cherry Blossom Way <br />earlier in the day. Milestone Contractors plan to begin to move equipment onto the project the week of <br />May 9th and will begin construction the week of May 16th. Banning reported that the project should still <br />be completed by September 30th, 2016. Commissioner Gutzwiller asked that Manns notify the property <br />owners affected by the new road. <br />Commissioner Beikman did ask Manns the status of fiber on Cherry Blossom Way. She was unsure but is <br />checking on the matter. <br />New Business: Commissioner Beikman asked the plans to maintain the Remster Property. <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller said he would look into the matter. <br />Legal Update: Attorney Currens presented the Commission with the updated Regional Construction <br />lease for Southbridge Crossing. He indicated that Regional Construction has paid rent current under the <br />