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new agreement. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to accept the lease as presented and to <br />name Commissioner Gutzwiller signatory. Commissioner Boyd seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: Manns updated the RDC that most of April was spent <br />working on CAM Expenses, the coordination of Cherry Blossom Way and the coordination of Indiana <br />Street. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Beikman made the motion to accept claims as presented. <br />Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Gutzwiller publically thanked Lindsay Beckman for her <br />contributions to Mooresville and Morgan County in her role as the Director of Business Development for <br />the Morgan County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC). Lindsay thanked the Commission as <br />well before she introduced the new Executive Director of the MCEDC, Mike Dellinger. Dellinger is a 28 - <br />year veteran to economic development and a native Hoosier. Dellinger thanked Lindsay and the <br />Commission and said he looks forward to working with them. <br />Commissioner Corman made the motion to adjourn. <br />The Commission's next meeting will be Wednesday, May 25 at 4:30PM <br />J Xz ki-- <br />Chariman <br />ATTES4—J4, <br />Secretary <br />