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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark Meadows, non- <br />voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was present. Town Attorney, Tim Currens <br />was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Corman and seconded by Commissioner Stultz to approve the <br />executive session and public meeting minutes both May 5th as well as the public meeting on May 25th <br />with the understanding that the date be changed on the minutes for May 25th. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Financials were presented by email from the Clerk -Treasurer previously. Commissioner Beikman made <br />the motion to accept the financials as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stultz and <br />it passed 4-0. <br />Annual Report —Jason Semler, Partner at Umbaugh and Associates presented the Annual Report to the <br />RDC. Attorney Currens presented a resolution regarding the pass through of funds. Commissioner <br />Corman made the motion to retain the tax increment funds and to not pass any through back to the <br />town due to the project load of the RDC. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. <br />Attorney Currens will get notices out pursuant to state statute. <br />Gateway Project Update: Rundell Ernstberger and Associates (REA) Partner Carl Kincaid provided an <br />update on the Gateway Project along SR 67. <br />On the Gateway Signs and Obelisk, the spotlights were moved to new locations and have now been <br />adjusted to hit the flames. They are still working on programming the north and south signs and have <br />noted issues with the lighting of the baskets. Two of the lights on the obelisk are green and red instead <br />of green, red and blue, causing less of an illumination. Dan Bishop, the lighting contractor, will be <br />meeting with Carl this evening to go over the above issues. <br />The punch list was issued in February. In May, REA was told the contractor needed three (3) dry days to <br />start the project and five (5) days to complete. REA has asked for other hardscape items to be <br />completed. The punch list has yet to be completed. <br />REA has requested costs associated with the underdrains in areas that have not had underdrains <br />installed. <br />There was a call received by the Town and addressed by Manns regarding a tree on the west side of SR <br />67 near Merriman Road. REA investigated and the southernmost tree was planted in an incorrect area, <br />affecting the line of site for cars on Merriman Road. REA has requested the tree be moved. <br />Commissioner Beikman proposed a deadline be given to the general contractor to have the work <br />finished or the RDC pulls the bond. After discussion, a hardscape deadline was given for seven business <br />days (COB on Monday, June 1311) and a softscape deadline was given for 30 days. <br />Southbridge Crossing: There is no business to report. <br />Old Business: There is no business to report. <br />
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