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New Business: <br />Indiana Street Bid: Commissioner Gutzwiller stated that after REA's review of the proposals, Schutt- <br />Lookabill was the low bidder with a total project cost of $4,667,284.69. REA recommends Schutt- <br />Lookabill be awarded the basebid and add alternatives 1 & 2 as previously discussed. Commissioner <br />Corman made the motion to accept Schutt-Lookabill's base bid for the Indiana Street Project as well as <br />alternatives 1 and 2. The base bid included one (1) year warranty and one (1) year of maintenance. <br />Alternative 1 was an extended one (1) year warranty on landscaping. Alternative 2 was an extended one <br />(1) year warranty on maintenance. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. <br />Commissioner Corman made the motion to name Commissioner Gurtwiller signatory of the contract. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beikman and carried 4-0. <br />TOA Workforce Training Funds— Manns presented the Commission with a letter from TOA (USA), LLC <br />requesting they draw down their remaining $150,000 in workforce training funds available from the <br />Commission as a part of their 2014 expansion announcement. Manns reported that in addition to hiring <br />in excess of the 150 new full-time, permanent employees, TOA is working with Vincennes University and <br />is sending 4 employees to a 16 -week maintenance program in Lebanon for training. Commissioner <br />Beikman made the motion to grant TOA (USA), LLC $150,000 as requested and previously agreed upon <br />in 2014. Commissioner Corman seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. <br />Legal Update: No legal update. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: Manns provided a monthly update, stating that much of her <br />time was spent on Southbridge and Gateway/Corridor planning. The Commission did discuss the Project <br />Iced Tea and its likelihood of moving forward. After discussion, the Commission requested that Manns <br />send a letter to terminate (within 10 days) the offer with Project Iced Tea, which was a previously <br />agreed upon offer of relocation costs in lieu of a tax abatement. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Beikman made the motion to accept claims as presented. <br />Commissioner Corman seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Beikman questioned how the former Remster property <br />would be maintained. Commissioner Gutzwiller shared that Manns would follow-up. <br />Commissioner Beikman made the motion to adjourn. <br />The Commission's next meeting will be Thursday, July 7th at 6:OOPM. <br />t <br />Chariman <br />ATTEST: _ &J�9_ <br />Secretary <br />