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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stoltz, Joe Beikman, Bill Boyd and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was absent. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was absent. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Corman and seconded by Commissioner Stultz to approve the <br />executive session and public meeting minutes both June 2. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Financials were presented by email from the Clerk -Treasurer previously. Commissioner Beikman made <br />the motion to accept the financials as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyd and <br />it passed 5-0. <br />Public Comment Commissioner Gutzwiller presented the RDC with a letter from Councilman Rogers <br />addressing the lack of public comment at RDC meetings. Gutzwiller also presented a set of guidelines <br />for consideration and opened it up for discussion. Public Comment will be taken at future meetings. <br />Commissioner Meadows entered the meeting. <br />Celebrate Mooresville Matching Grant: On behalf of Celebrate Mooresville, Diane Huerkamp presented <br />the RDC with a request for matching funds for a Downtown Enhancement Grant through the Office of <br />Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). The matching funds would be used if awarded the Downtown <br />Enhancement Grant to create matching Way -Finding Signs in areas not previously identified by the <br />RDC's Gateway Project and for plaques on downtown buildings. The request was for $10,000. <br />Commissioner Boyd made the motion to provide the matching funds of $10,000 to Celebrate <br />Mooresville for OCRA's Downtown Enhancement Grant. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Stoltz and carried 5-0. <br />Gateway Project Update: <br />SR 67: Commissioner Gutzwiller informed the RDC that he met with Rundell Ernstberger and Associates <br />(REA) Principal Carl Kincaid and lighting contractor onsite previously regarding the lighting of the torches <br />along SR 67. Adjustments have been made and he feels they are adequate per the design. <br />Underdrains are required in places they have not previously been installed along SR 67, as identified by <br />REA. The RDC requested quotes through REA, receiving only one quote from the current contractor in <br />excess of $67,000. The RDC requested the Town of Mooresville Public Works Department provide a <br />quote, which came in at $50,000. Commissioner Corman made the motion to approve an amount not to <br />exceed $50,000 contingent upon Town Council approval. Commissioner Beikman seconded the motion, <br />which carried 5-0. <br />Bicentennial Park: Commissioner Gutzwiller shared that adequate updates regarding parking have been <br />met regarding the downtown area and because of such updates, he suggested the park be resubmitted <br />for a rezone to the Plan Commission. Commissioner Corman made the motion to resubmit the park for <br />rezone, which was seconded by Commissioner Beikman. <br />