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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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` Commissioner Gutzwiller suggested that because of a conflict with the RDC's legal counsel, the RDC seek <br />outside counsel to present the plan to the Plan Commission. Commissioner Corman made the motion to <br />seek outside legal counsel, which was seconded by Commissioner Stoltz. The motion passed 5-0. <br />Southbridge Crossing: No update at this time. <br />Old Business: <br />Powder Pro Coating Services Relocation: Manns presented the RDC with documentation from Powder <br />Pro Coating Services regarding the purchase of a building in Flagstaff Industrial Park and the move from <br />their existing location to their new building. Per the previous MOU between the RDC and Powder Pro, <br />Manns asked that the RDC provide the $30,000 relocation assistance to Powder Pro since <br />documentation has been provided and current relocation costs have far exceeded the assistance <br />provided by the RDC. Commissioner Boyd made the motion to provide Powder Pro with the $30,000 <br />previously agreed upon. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />Cherry Blossom Way: Manns presented the RDC with a change order totaling $111,873.16 deduct from <br />the current plant due to grade issues. Grades will have to be adjusted and it is expected that at a later <br />date, a change order add will come before the RDC totaling near the price of the deduct. Commissioner <br />Corman accepted the change order as submitted. Commissioner Boyd seconded the motion, which <br />passed 5-0. <br />New Business: <br />Southbridge Crossing Notice of Sale: Commissioner Gutzwiller provided documentation regarding the <br />Notice of Sale of Southbridge Crossing for a cost of $2,250,000. Offers will be read in a public meeting <br />on Thursday, August 4th at 6:00pm and provided an offer is within the realm the RDC can statutorily <br />accept, an offer will be accepted at 4:00pm on August 111h. Commissioner Corman made the motion to <br />proceed with the Notice of Sale of Southbridge Crossing at a price of $2,250,000. Commissioner <br />Beikman seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. <br />OCRA Workforce Development Program (WDP): On behalf of the Morgan County Economic <br />Development Corporation (MCEDC), Manns provided a request to provide matching funds for OCRA's <br />WDP. This program, which the MCEDC originally applied for in 2015, would be a county -wide initiative <br />providing workforce training to no/low skilled workers. The request from the MCEDC was for $50,000. <br />After some discussion, Commissioner Boyd made the motion to provide $20,000 in matching funds to <br />the program, continent upon the participation of others throughout the county. Commissioner Corman <br />seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />Legal Update: No legal update. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: Manns provided a monthly update, stating that much of her <br />time was spent on the coordination of the Indiana Street project as well as Southbridge Crossing. Per <br />last month's request, Manns send a letter to terminate (within 10 days) the offer with Project Iced Tea, <br />which was a previously agreed upon offer of relocation costs in lieu of a tax abatement. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Corman made the motion to accept claims as presented. <br />Commissioner Beikman seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />
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