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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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8/1/2017 2:17:49 PM
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8/1/2017 9:20:10 AM
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"Median Planting is conditional on underdrains being placed prior to plant material replacements. <br />Becker Landscape had the following statement; Additionally as discussed we are not replacing all of the <br />materials in the median that we could not control especially at the intersection where there was <br />significant water and vehicular damage; we will work with you on a resolution that will best suit all <br />parties. <br />Indiana Street: Manns spoke highly of contractors Shutt-Lookabill and their communication and work <br />on Indiana Street. One section on the west side of Indiana south of Kroger has been idenitied as <br />needing a larger pipe. Currently an 18" pipe exists and it is believed that either a 30" or 36" pipe should <br />replace it. Two quotes for the pipes were provided, at $8,900 and $9,400 respectively. Commissioner <br />Beikman made the motion to install and pay for the 36" pipe not to exceed $10,000. The motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Corman and passed 4-0. <br />Old Business: There is no old business at this time. <br />New Business: Commissioner Gutzwiller shared with the Commission that it had been brought to his <br />attention by Councilman Rogers that there is a 'Welcome to Mooresville' sign headed northbound on SR <br />67 north of PacMoore that was previously placed by a group that has since disbanded. A request by <br />Councilman Rogers was made that the Commission look into possibly moving that sign to a different <br />location. Commissioner Beikman suggested the Commission defer this opportunity to the Town Council. <br />Legal Update: No legal update. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: <br />Manns did provide a quote from Riverside to fix the light pole that was destroyed earlier this year when <br />a car struck it along Southbridge Street. A request was made to receive three quotes and for them to be <br />local companies. <br />A brief update on Cherry Blossom Way was provided and they should be finished on schedule. <br />Manns provided a monthly update, stating that much of her time was spent on the coordination of the <br />Gateway Projects as well as the sale of Southbridge Crossing. Several hours were also spent inputting <br />the financials into QuickBooks. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Gutzwiller presented the claims, excluding one that was previously <br />held for REA and a new claim from Gibraltar. A motion was made by Commissioner Corman to accept <br />the other claims as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stultz. <br />The previously tabled claim for REA of $4,151.60 was presented. Commissioner Beikman made the <br />motion to deny the claim, based on the fact that he believes the issues we're still having is because of a <br />design flaw and REA has already been paid for that work. The motion died for lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller made the motion to approve the claim as presented. Commissioner Corman <br />seconded the motion, which passed 3-1 (Commissioner Beikman). <br />The claim for Gibraltar for $49,444.20 was presented. Above this bill, the commission still has the 10% <br />contingency available. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to deny the claim. Commissioner <br />Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 3-1 (Commissioner Gutzwiller). <br />
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