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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />September 1, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Bill Boyd, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was present. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currens was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Boyd and seconded by Commissioner Beikman to approve the <br />executive session and public meeting minutes both August 4th. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Financials were presented by email from the Clerk -Treasurer previously as well as the QuickBooks <br />reports from Manns. Commissioner Carman made the motion to accept the financials as presented. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stultz and it passed 5-0. <br />Public Comment: There were no comments made by the public. <br />Southbridge Crossing: Manns presented quotes from Riverside for $5,965 and one from Essential <br />Architectural Signs for $7,550 to fix the pole that was taken out by an accident earlier this year. A third <br />quote was requested but never received from CBRE. Commissioner Corman made the motion to have <br />Riverside perform the work. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyd and passed 5-0. <br />Gateway Project Update: <br />40 West Main: A contract with Banning Engineering was presented for the bidding of 40 West Main for <br />$4,200. Commissioner Beikman made the motion approve the contract not to exceed $4,200 with <br />Banning Engineering for the 40 West Main parking lot project. Commissioner Boyd seconded the <br />motion. It passed 5-0. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to appoint Commissioner Gutzwiller <br />signatory. Commissioner Corman seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. <br />Indiana Street: Manns presented three change orders for Indiana Street: <br />1. Manns shared that there was an issue brought up at the pre -construction meeting regarding the <br />coordination of utilities. In particular, the three southern -most electric poles on Indiana Street. <br />We received three quotes from three contractors to bury the electric line in the trench and to <br />bore the line under Indiana Street. <br />Quote 1: Robinson Trenching Directional Boring: Option 1: $4,968.54 Option 2: $10,543.54 <br />Quote 2: Sub -Surface of Indiana, Inc. $6,000.00 <br />Quote 3: Greenwald Enterprises, Inc. $7,450.00 <br />Manns met with Schutt-Lookabill and it was their recommendation that given the quotes, the <br />one that was the lowest quote was most likely not possible, which is why they decided to <br />provide two quotes. Therefore, it was Schutt-Lookabill's recommendation to move forward <br />with Sub -Surface of Indiana. Manns explained that this was to be brought up at August meeting <br />but it was missed. In order to not slow the project down, Manns gave the go-ahead to move <br />forward. Manns apologized for not bringing up the matter previously and for approving this <br />without consent. Commissioner Beikman made the motion to accept the quote from Sub- <br />
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