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Redevelopment Comm 2016
Redevelopment Commission Minutes
Redevelopment Comm 2016
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Surface of Indiana, Inc. for $6,510, which included the markup from Schutt-Lookabill. <br />Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. <br />2. A sink hole was found onsite and was addressed by Shutt-Lookabill for $3,432.25. The Project <br />Manager has been working closely with Dave Moore, Superintendent of Public Works, on <br />Indiana Street, including this issue. Commissioner Carman made the motion to accept the <br />change order for the sink hole repair of $3,432.25 to Shutt-Lookabill. The motion was seconded <br />by Commissioner Beikman. It passed 5-0. <br />Manns presented information from Rundell Ernstberger and Associates (REA) regarding the traffic signal <br />poles and mast arms. Because the Section from High Street to Main Street is still controlled by INDOT <br />and the relinquishment had not taken place, the bid documents included typical INDOT specifications <br />for the poles. They will be round galvanized steel poles and mast arms, as you typically see on any state <br />road. The cost to switch to a fluted pole with a decorative base, all painted black, to match the street <br />light poles along the project is $35,340.00. This is a value added to the project; it is not required for <br />safety nor long-term durability of the project. It is a cost to make the traffic poles more closely match <br />the new street light poles. The INDOT standard spec includes strap anchors for all signals and signs <br />attached to the traffic poles and mast arms. The cost to switch to a rigid bracket is $392 each. Per the <br />sign schedule, there are 95 total instances on the project. The total cost to switch all strap anchors to <br />rigid brackets would be $37,240.00. It is REA's recommendation to accept the $35,340.00 cost for the <br />painted fluted poles with decorative bases, but not accept the $37,240.00 cost to change the straps to <br />brackets. Commissioner Carman made the motion to switch out the poles to the fluted pole with a <br />decorate base, all painted black for $35,340.00 but to not move forward with the second proposal. <br />Commissioner Boyd seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. <br />Old Business: <br />SR 67: A letter from Becker Landscaping was provided and read by Commissioner Gutzwiller. A copy is <br />attached for the record. <br />Paul Hadley Park: Commissioner Gutzwiller presented a contract amendment from REA for <br />modifications to the existing park plan. Plans are currently 60% complete but in order to finish them <br />with the changes required by the town (eliminate water feature, additional parking, modifications to the <br />entrance). Commissioner Beikman had questions on the proposal, including the entrance and drainage <br />portions. Commissioner Carman made the motion to approve the contract not to exceed $54,600 with <br />REA for the Paul Hadley Park. Commissioner Boyd seconded the motion. It carried 4-1 (Beikman). <br />Commissioner Corman made the motion to appoint Commissioner Gutzwiller signatory. Commissioner <br />Stultz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. <br />New Business: No new business. <br />Legal Update: No legal update. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: <br />Manns provided an update on Cherry Blossom Way. There are two change orders to approve <br />
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