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1. Change Order 2: a $56,947 deduct from the overall project cost due to changes in pavement <br />section K2. Commissioner Corman made the motion to accept and approve the change order as <br />presented. Commissioner Beikman seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. <br />2. Change Order 3: a $13,463.11 addition due to a water line modification due to changes in the <br />force main as well as a fire hydrant modification. Commissioner Corman made the motion to <br />accept and approve the change order as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Stutlz and passed 5-0. <br />Jeff Henson of Banning Enigneering was in attendance to answer questions regarding Cherry Blossom <br />Way. He did provide an update that of the $104,000 deduct the RDC originally accepted due to dirt <br />work, Milestone had added back to -date $96,000 in dirt work. <br />He did request that although the project should be done by the end of September, keeping in the <br />timeframe of the project, it was recommended that the tree plantings be postponed until October in <br />order to offer a better environment for the new trees. Commissioner Corman made a motion to <br />postpone the tree plantings until a later date deemed necessary by Banning Engineering. Commissioner <br />Stultz seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />Review of Claims: Commissioner Carman made the motion to accept the claims as presented. <br />Commissioner Beikman seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Stultz stated he had been approached by a citizen <br />questioning why the state flag wasn't included in the gateway entrances. <br />The Commission's next meeting will be Thursday, October 6 at 6:OOPM. <br />� � dam. <br />jj { n <br />Cl ariman <br />ATTEST: <br />Secretary <br />