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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 <br />Members present: Harold Gutzwiller, Don Stultz, Bill Boyd, Joe Beikman and Tim Corman. Mark <br />Meadows, non-voting member from Mooresville Consolidated School board, was absent. Town <br />Attorney, Tim Currents was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was also present. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Corman and seconded by Commissioner Beikman to approve the <br />February financials. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Bids were opened for the construction of Cherry Blossom Way. They were as follows <br />Rieth-Riley Construction Company - $1,378,600 <br />Force Construction Company - $1,469,451.19 <br />E&B Paving - $1,370,980 <br />Milestone Contractors, LP - $1,285,000 <br />The bids were given to Banning Engineering to review and an award is expected to be made at the April <br />6th meeting. <br />The Commission was presented with a proposal from Holloway Engineering not to exceed $1,500 to <br />provide an ALTA Survey on the recently purchased Remster property. A second proposal from another <br />firm was provided but was higher in price. Commissioner Beikman asked whether or not the prior <br />boundary survey included pins. Manns indicated that she would check and if they had not been done <br />previously, that would be made a stipulation of the ALTA survey. A motion was made to have Holloway <br />perform an ALTA survey for the Remster property not to exceed $1,500 by Commissioner Boyd and was <br />seconded by Commissioner Stultz. The motion passed 5-0 <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller indicated that there were political signs either on the Remster property or on <br />the state right-of-way surrounding the property. Tim Corman made a motion to have Manns contact <br />the candidates and request the signs be removed. It was seconded by Stultz. The motion passed 5-0. <br />Several vehicles are parked on the Remster property with for sale signs. Manns was asked to follow up <br />with the broker about the removal of those vehicles. The Commission also asked that Manns check to <br />see if any signs regarding parking or trespassing are currently on the property. <br />Tim Currens advised the Commission to purchase insurance for the Remster property. The Commission <br />agreed. <br />Commissioner Gutzwiller had indicated the need to order two appraisals for Southbridge Crossing. <br />Commissioner Stultz made the motion to order two appraisals for Southbridge Crossing. It was <br />seconded by Commissioner Beikman and passed 5-0. <br />Common Area Maintenance (CAM) for Southbridge Crossing will be averaged over the last two years <br />and provided to the outlots as well as the tenants to be paid monthly for the remainder of the year for <br />