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2016 CAM. Commissioner Gutzwiller indicated that 2014 and 2015 CAM rates were recently reconciled. <br />Because of the late nature of the reconciliation, Commissioner Beikman made the motion that the <br />Commission waive the 2014 CAM rates. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Corman and <br />passed 5-0. Commissioner Gutzwiller suggested that the Commission provide two options for payment: <br />lump sum or split between eight monthly payments to be paid between May and December of 2016. <br />Commissioner Corman accepted Commissioner Gutzwiller's suggestion for motioned to move forward <br />with billing for 2015 CAM providing the two options with the first payment due May 1st. Commissioner <br />Beikman'seconded the motion. It passed 5-0. <br />The Commission was presented with a Memorandum of Understanding and Temporary Construction <br />Easement for property owned by H&R (H&R) Property Services, LLC in regards to Cherry Blossom Way. <br />H&R will lose its current SR 67 crossover and access due to the construction of Cherry Blossom Way. <br />The agreements outline that H&R must move their sign which is currently located on the RDC's property <br />and will provide a temporary construction easement for construction of an access off of Cherry Blossom <br />Way. In exchange, the RDC will provide $10,000 to H&R, will clear brush and trees located on the <br />southwest corner of their property and will provide a second curb cut on the west end of their property. <br />Commissioner Corman voted to approve the MOU and Temporary Construction Easement as presented. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyd. The motion passed 5-0 <br />Commissioner Stultz made the motion to adjourn. <br />The Commission's next meeting will be Wednesday, April 6th with an Executive Session at 9:30am and a <br />regular meeting following at 10:00. <br />Chariman <br />ATTEST: <br />Sz- <br />Secretary <br />