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BZA 2017
Board Of Zoning Appeals
BZA 2017
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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />Thursday May 11`h, 2017 <br />Members Present: Perry King, Charles McGuire, Neal Allman, town attorney Tim <br />Currens <br />Neal Allman called the meeting to order than called for a motion on the previous <br />minutes. Perry King made a motion to accept. Charles McGuire seconded the <br />motion and the motion passed 3-0. <br />The first item on the agenda is a sign variance request for Mooresville Christian <br />Church at 4271 E State Road 144. Mooresville Christian Academy is asking to be <br />allowed to convert the existing sign structure into a digital sign. Tim Currens <br />referred to page, in the town ordinances, regarding the allowable digital <br />percentage of 30. Neal Allman called for questions from the Board and or <br />audience. An audience member addressed the fact that a digital sign would shine <br />right into his neighboring home, while he is not opposed to the sign request he <br />E would like for the sign not to flash. The Mooresville Christian Academy explained <br />that the sign has capability of scrolling, and that it would be set to dim at 9:00pm <br />each evening. Neal Allman confirmed the movement options on the sign. This <br />statement satisfied the gentleman from the audience. Charles McGuire <br />questioned if the dim and flashing restriction could be part of the motion, Tim <br />Currens confirmed this option. The Christian Academy agreed that any restrictions <br />would be agreeable. When no other questions were asked Neal Allman read the <br />finding of fact then called for a Motion; Charles McGuire made a motion to <br />approve as filed allotting more than the 30%, dimming at 9:00pm, and no flashing <br />uses, the motion was seconded and passed 3-0. <br />The second item on the agenda is a variance request at 213 St Clair St. Pam <br />Albertson is requesting a variance, for a two family dwelling on a lot less than <br />10,000 sq ft. Ms. Albertson presented her request, indicating the want to <br />purchase the property and build two story, town home style duplexes, she <br />presents visual aids that demonstrate similar structures in the area. Tim Currens <br />confirmed the variance need and that rezoning would be needed from R1 to R2 <br />and that application has been filed with the Plan Commission. Neal Allman called <br />for questions from either the board and or audience. Rick Lee, of the audience, a <br />
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