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BZA 2017
Board Of Zoning Appeals
BZA 2017
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3/14/2018 2:02:38 PM
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3/14/2018 2:01:50 PM
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current resident of St Clair St. states that he is not opposed but has concerns and <br />that this could only add to current drainage problems He also questioned: would <br />the layout be, would they be one building or multiple buildings, he asked about <br />entrances, parking etc. how close to creek. Mr. Lee went on to mention there is <br />already a current traffic problem especially after school and has already spoken to <br />a police department about this. Ferrell Lender, audience member resides at 500 <br />Arlington commended previous speaker and spoke again about current traffic <br />problems. He feels improving the neighborhood would be great but has some of <br />the same concerns as previous speaker. Neal Allman called for further questions: <br />Pam Albertson addressed the concerns; stating that the traffic problem was <br />nothing she could assist with and they are working with the county concerning <br />the drainage. The plan is 2 stories so the surface run off and drainage should not <br />be an issue. There are three lots so 3 duplexes. Perry King has concern about <br />building within 75 feet of the available drainage. Tim Currens mentioned that this <br />is something that should be discussed at the next Plan Commission meeting and <br />the need to speak to Tim Bennett concerning drainage issues. Neal Allman <br />questioned the possibility of a continuance; Tim Currens stated that a motion <br />could be made with restrictions. When no further questions were asked; Perry <br />King made a motion to continue the variance request until the June meeting, <br />Charles McGuire seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0. Tim Currens <br />clarified the Plan Commission would hear the requested rezone as scheduled. <br />The next item was a length to width ratio variance request by Holloway <br />Engineering for the Ward Family and John Ward on E Woodside Dr. The owner of <br />lots 11,12,13 are asking to divide the parcel into two lots; lots will be <br />approximately 2 % to 1 not to exceed 4 to 1. John Larrison provided an aerial <br />photo, he stated lots will be larger simply because they will be longer. Charles <br />McGuire questioned access. John Larrison stated the current access crosses lots <br />11 and 12, improvements will be made and homes are on septic, all meetings with <br />the town departments will take place to address entrances and all necessities. <br />Neal Allman called for questions when none were asked and then read the <br />findings of facts, he called for a motion; Charles McGuire made the motion to <br />approve, Perry King seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0. <br />New Business: None <br />
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