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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />Thursday June 8th, 2017 <br />Members Present: Neal Allman, Perry King, Mike Young and Charles McGuire, TOWN <br />ATTORNEY Tim Currens was absent <br />Neal Allman called the meeting to order, Neal then called for a motion on the previous minutes, <br />Perry King made the motion to accept the minutes as typed, Charles McGuire seconded he <br />motion and the motion passed unanimously. <br />First item on the agenda is a continued variance at 213 St. Clair Street. Pam Albertson stated <br />that she had been before Plan Commission seeking a rezone and had received a favorable <br />recommendation from the commission to the Town Council, the town Council will vote at a <br />later date. Perry King questioned the square footage allowances, stating Tim Bennett of the <br />Building department would have that information had been available for the meeting. Neal <br />Allman questioned the previously brought up drainage concerns. Ms. Albertson stated that <br />she'd spoken with Dave Moore and that he believed the only permit needed would be soil <br />erosion, that drainage and storm water appeared acceptable. Mike Young read the application <br />for the variance to clarify what was being sought. Neal Allman confirmed that the rezone had <br />been approved; Pam Albertson responded that the Plan Commission was on board. Perry King <br />disagreed stating that the recommendation by the Plan Commission was not a unanimous vote. <br />Charles McGuire stated that he was not in favor of approving one variance at a time, as <br />additional variance have been filed for. Mike Young stated a plot plan is needed for the board, <br />so that they know exactly what is being presented for approval, he believed this was requested <br />at the last meeting. Perry King mentioned that a recently completed, but not yet released study <br />by Banning Engineering was a0giressingocal drainage issues, said study may impact this <br />aa�� sc.tCS-ems <br />location. The board members+sgersted a possible continuance. Pam Albertson stated that she <br />could not attend the July meeting but her brother would come in her place. A motion was <br />made to by Perry King to continue the variance request to the July meeting, the motion was <br />seconded and passed 4-0. <br />Next item on the agenda is variance request at 119 S Clay Street, presented by John Larrison of <br />Hollow Engineering. The property owner, David Carter, a lifelong Mooresville resident currently <br />residing on E High St. is filing the request. He finds distressed properties to fix up, the home <br />located at 119 S Clay was the worst house in the neighborhood states David Carter, he <br />purchased it with the intent working on side projects such as alternators and generators. He <br />recently decided to retire and now wishes to do mechanical work on a full time basis -,M,-, <br />