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BZA 2017
Board Of Zoning Appeals
BZA 2017
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location. With other business near and beside him he does not feel he would be encroaching <br />into residential area. Perry King asked about the residential part of the home. David stated <br />that it would be used as an office. Mr. Larrison stated that there will be no harmful liquids <br />would be used and that the mineral spirits used would be picked up and hauled away. He also <br />stated that he will handle everything legal and is aware of all EDA standards. It will be a smaller <br />shop with just himself and son. Mike Young questioned why a variance and not Rezone to <br />match current area, he and Charles McGuire both believe it should be a B2. John Larrison stated <br />that Dave Moore had recommended that variance believing that it may go better as it will have <br />restrictions should property ownership change in the future. Mike Young questioned traffic <br />flow. Charles McGuire and Mike Young discussed the options of variance verses rezone. Neal <br />Allman ask Mr. Carter which he was seeking. Mr. Carter stated he wanted to move forward if a <br />variance is possible tonight that would be south if a rezone was needed he was willing to go <br />that route as well. John Larrison stated that a B2 brings to mind traffic to a business, and that is <br />not at all what it would be. He will do what the commission feels is appropriate. Neal Allman <br />called for questions, Susan Lieb a current neighbor of David Carter states that she was here to <br />support his request whether a B2 or Variance he has only improved the neighborhood. Neal <br />Allman expressed a desire to allow him to continue moving forward while seeking the rezone, <br />no option was presented. Susan asked if he could receive a variance and still seeks the rezone, <br />the commission did not believe so. The members discussed the next possible steps. Neal Allman <br />called for a motion. A motion was made for a continuance so that a rezone maybe sought and <br />then returns to the BZA if necessary, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. <br />There was no new business presented to the Board of Zoning Appeals. <br />A motion was made to adjourn, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. <br />CHARIMAN <br />
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