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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />Thursday September 14th, 2017 <br />Members present: Perry King, Charles McGuire, Mike Young, Neal <br />Allman and attorney Tim Currens. <br />Neal Allman called the meeting to order and then asked for a motion <br />on the previous meeting minutes; Perry King made a motion to <br />accept the minutes as presented, Charles McGuire seconded the <br />motion and the motion passed unanimously. <br />The next items on the agenda are continued variance requests at St. <br />Clair Street. The previous requests included lots 43, 44 and 45, the <br />current request is for 43 and 44 only lot 45 has been omitted from the <br />variance request as the plans for lot 45 are to put a small storage shed <br />on the existing slab. The variances requested are for a two family <br />residence, as the plans are to construct a two story townhome style <br />duplex on each lot; on less than 10,000 sq. ft. lot and less than l Oft. <br />setbacks. Neal Allman called for any questions and concerns to be <br />addressed. Mike Young questioned the idea of allowing the two <br />structures to cross lot lines and expressed concerns about the <br />possibility of a third residence on the third lot. Perry King expressed <br />concerns for the third "dead lot" as he believed removing tree stumps <br />and such would increase a poor run off, water drainage situation. <br />Charles McGuire confirmed that the shed would be built on the <br />existing slab and the Neal Allman confirmed that Pam Albertson and <br />her brother Bob Jones were preparing to purchase the properties <br />from David and Derek Carter. It was also confirmed that the Plan <br />Commission had voted to send the Town Council a favorable <br />recommendation to rezone the property to allow multi family. When <br />no further questions were asked Neal Allman read the findings of <br />facts then called for a motion; Charles McGuire made a motion to <br />