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approve both variance requests for lots 43 and 44, Perry King <br />seconded the motion and the motion passed. <br />During new business Jeff Hollars of 529 W County Line Rd came <br />forward to request withdraw of a variance request from a <br />neighboring property. He explained that there had been changes in <br />housing locations, driveway accesses and such since the original <br />variance had been approved. Mr. Hollars also stated that there were <br />also legal actions pending. Tim Currens stated that and easement <br />encroachment and or property line issues may be addressed by the <br />Plan Commission and or that the courts continue to hear any issues. <br />Tim Currens stated that he would contact building inspector Tim <br />Bennett in regards to these concerns. <br />Mike Young made a motion to adjourn, Charles McGuire seconded <br />the motion and the motion passed. <br />Chairman <br />Next Possible Meeting: Thursday October 12'h,2017 <br />