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Mooresville Metropolitan <br />Police Department <br />Board of Police Commissioners <br />Larry Bryant <br />Brian Wiser <br />Fred Settle <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES <br />These are the Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission <br />held at the Mooresville Police Department on August 16, 2018, 2018. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Bryant, Fred Settle <br />ALSO PRESENT: Chief Allen, Charles Braun, Anthony Woodside, Amanda Carrell <br />Call to order at 6:01 PM. <br />Fred Settle made a motion to accept the minutes from the June meeting. Larry Bryant seconded. <br />No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen updated that Police Commission on the statistics for the month of July. <br />Charles Braun advised the Police Commission that he had spoken with the Morgan County <br />Prosecutor Steve Sonnega and the Morgan County Domestic Violence Coordinator regarding the <br />Domestic Violence SOP. Charles Braun advised that the conversation was good and that Steve <br />Sonnega would be re -writing parts of the SOP. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission on the changes that were made to SOP 10.01, <br />Indiana Alerts which included updated phone numbers and clarification on when the alerts shall <br />be used. Fred Settle made a motion to accept the changes on SOP 10.01. Larry Bryant seconded. <br />No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission on the changes that were made to SOP 19.00, which <br />covered the choice of shirt an officer may wear if they are wearing the outer carrier vest. Fred <br />Settle made a motion to accept the changes on SOP 19.00. Larry Bryant seconded. No <br />discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission on that he wished to delete SOP 10.02 fiom the <br />SOP's as it is no longer valid. Chief Allen advised the Police Commission that he was presenting <br />a new SOP, 10.03, that would take the place of SOP 10.02. Fred Settle made a motion to accept <br />the changes on SOP 10.02 and accept the new SOP 10.03. Larry Bryant seconded. No <br />discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the status of the new building, advising that he <br />met with the all the contractors involved this morning and that construction will begin on <br />