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coming up in the next few months. Chief Allen advised that the Parks Department purchased two <br />golf carts for the Fire Department and Police Department to use during the events. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission that the Mooresville Parks Department purchased a <br />residence at 1201 Indianapolis Rd to expand the park. They will be tearing down the house on <br />the property but before they do the house will be utilized by the police department for training. <br />Chief Allen advised that this training will occur on May 22, 2018 from lam to 3pm. <br />Chief Allen updated that Police Commission on the statistics for the month of April. <br />The next meeting will be held on June 21st at 6:00 PM at the Mooresville Police Department. <br />THESE MINUTES SO APPROVED ON THIS DAY THE 21 st day of June 2018. <br />arry Bryan , Commissioner <br />Brian Wiser, Commissioner <br />Fred Settle, Commissioner <br />ATTESTED: <br />Amanda Carrell, Records Clerk <br />