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Mooresville Metropolitan <br />Police Department <br />Board of Police Commissioners <br />Larry Bryant <br />Brian Wiser <br />Fred Settle <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES <br />These are the Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission <br />held at the Mooresville Police Department on May 17, 2018. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Bryant, Fred Settle <br />ALSO PRESENT: Chief Allen, Charles Braun, Anthony Woodside, Amanda Carnell <br />Call to order at 6:00 PM. <br />Fred Settle made a motion to accept the minutes from the April meeting. Larry Bryant seconded. <br />No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the status of the two officers that are currently on <br />light duty. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the status of the full time dispatcher that will start <br />on May 26, 2018. <br />Charles Braun stated that he would like to give a brief report to the Police Commission regarding <br />general legal questions that had been asked of him. Charles Braun stated that the Town Board <br />appoints all the Police Commissioners and they must be residents of the Town of Mooresville. <br />Charles Braun went on to explain that the state law, definitions of residents as it pertains to the <br />police commission. <br />Charles Braun gave a brief report to the Police Commission regarding the police commission <br />members and their political affiliation. Charles Braun explained the requirements of the board to <br />have two members of the same political affiliation and the remaining member to be of a different <br />political affiliation. Charles Braun went on to explain the variances of this requirement. <br />Charles Braun gave a brief report to the Police Commission on the requirement of the Police <br />Commission to be sworn in by the Morgan County Circuit Court clerk at every appointment and <br />re -appointment. This was currently in question as Fred Settle was re -appointed in January by the <br />Mooresville Town Board and sworn in by the Mooresville Town Clerk. Fred Settle stated that he <br />would make contact with the Morgan County Circuit Court Clerk and make the necessary <br />arrangements to be sworn in as soon as possible. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission that the Mooresville Parks Department, Mooresville <br />Fire Department and the Mooresville Police Department met to discuss the big events that are <br />