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for the new police department construction. Chief Allen advised that they currently have three <br />dispatch positions but would only have two at the new building. Chief Allen advised that with <br />only having two dispatch positions it was still going to cost $500,000 for the radio equipment <br />alone. Chief Allen also advised that the recording equipment was going to cost an additional <br />$60,000. Chief Allen advised that there were lease agreement options available so that the costs <br />would not have to be paid all at once. <br />Fred Settle made a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Brian Wiser seconded the motion. No <br />discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />The next meeting will be held on May 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Mooresville Police <br />Department. <br />THESE MINUTES SO APPROVED ON THIS DAY THE 17th day of May 2018. <br />41a <br />yant, Comi ' sioner <br />Brian Wiser, Commissioner <br />Fred Settle, Commissioner <br />ATTEST�E/jDJ�: <br />Amanda Carnell, Record <br />