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Old Business: Resolution 2018-7 (Resolution of the Mooresville Redevelopment Commissioner <br />regarding the investigation of certain property listed in the property acquisition list, and matter related <br />therto) was presented to the RDC for consideration which allows an additional $50,000 to be expended <br />for due -diligence related to the property mentioned. Commissioner Boyd made the motion to approve <br />Resolution 2018-7 as presented. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Change Order 2 was presented from Banning Engineering regarding an annexation description, to <br />prepare an ALTA survey, a Phase I Environmental Survey and Title work for a total of $18,450. <br />Additional work will be forthcoming. Commissioner Boyd made the motion to accept and approve CO2 <br />from Banning Engineering in the amount of $18,450. Commissioner Stultz seconded the motion, which <br />carried 3-0. <br />In regards to the negotiations forthe acquisition of this property, Commissioner Boyd made the motion <br />to authorize Commissioner Gutzwiller with the assistance of Barnes & Thornburg the ability to negotiate <br />on behalf of the Commission the acquisition of said property. The motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Stultz, which carried 3-0. To clarify, Attorney Steuerwald stated the full RDC will be <br />presented the formal document prior to the finality of the document. <br />New Business: No new business. <br />Legal Update: No legal update. <br />Economic Development/Projects Update: Manns stated her monthly report had been left out of the <br />packet unintentionally and she would circulate it to the RDC. No additional comment. <br />Review of Claims: Claims were presented in the amount of $57,041.24. Commissioner Stultz made the <br />motion to approve the claims as presented. Commissioner Boyd seconded the motion. The motion <br />carried 3-0. <br />The next regular meeting will be Thursday, November 1" at 6:OOpm. <br />Commissioner Stultz made the motion to adjourn. <br />L,murman <br />ATTEST: /,� <br />yh-�Cc � �— <br />Secretary <br />