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Town Council 04-20-2021
Town Council Minutes
Town Council 04-20-2021
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5/5/2021 11:12:37 AM
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Meeting Minute Type
Town Council Minutes
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April 20, 2021 <br />The Mooresville Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30 P. M. at the <br />Mooresville Government Center. <br />Council members present were Council President Tom Warthen, Councilman Dustin Stanley, Councilman <br />Shane Williams, Councilman Jeff Cook, and Councilman Greg Swinney. Town attorney Beth Copeland <br />was present. <br />Council President Warthen gave the prayer. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Stanley to approve the minutes of the April 6th executive session <br />meeting and seconded by Councilman Swinney. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />Councilman Stanley made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 6th meeting and was seconded <br />by Councilman Swinney. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />Unfinished Business— <br />Farmhouse Market Fair Kim Burgess came before the council to amend the permit to use the parking <br />lots, including some private property who agrees to allow the use of their property for this event and <br />has the support of the department heads. Councilman Swinney made the motion to accept the updated <br />plan Councilman William seconded. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />Elizabeth Smith approached the town council about possibly becoming a part of the Main Street <br />America program. She has been researching the program and a resolution in support of this program, <br />and she wants to know who to be in contact with to explore this. Council President Warthen <br />requested more information on this to discuss further at the next meeting. <br />New Business — <br />Sun Polymers CF -1 Councilman Williams asked if the deadline for the CF -1 submission has been <br />extended this year. Attorney Copeland stated it had not. Councilman Williams asked if the <br />responsibility of submitting the CF -1 every year is on the company or the Town. Councilman <br />Warthen said that the Morgan County Economic Development Corporation does some of the outreach. <br />Councilman Stanley made the motion to approve, finding Sun Polymers in substantial compliance. <br />Councilman Swinney seconded. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />Shamus Scott came before the council to request the council to address High Street and Concord Drive <br />traffic. He stated speeders and road narrowness is a concern with drivers needing to drive onto his <br />driveway to avoid a collision. There was some discussion as to the requirements to change alleys to one <br />way. Attorney Copeland will be researching the steps that need to be taken and expediting any action. <br />Councilman Williams made a motion to table this item until the next meeting, with Councilman Stanley <br />seconding. Motion carried 5-0 <br />Endeavor quotes presented are based on requests from the department heads for the telephone and <br />wifi systems. One is for an upgrade to access points and an upgrade to the wifi at the Clerk Treasurer's <br />office and the Fire station due to concerns over speed and aging equipment. The second is to add panic <br />buttons to the Council Chambers and the street department, as well as to move an existing switch in the <br />Clerk's office. The third quote is for a call box to be installed in the fire department that would place a <br />call to dispatch when the department is on a run, and someone was to need assistance at the station. <br />There was some discussion on the specifics of wifi speed and issues. Councilman Cook expressed his <br />approval of some of the requested items but has a personal problem with a previous encounter with <br />Endeavor. Councilman Warthen stated he sees it from a different perspective. Councilman Williams <br />wants to discuss with Steve Eltzroth to see what he would like to do specifically about the wifi. <br />Councilman Cook made a motion to table this item Councilman Swinney seconded. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />
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