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Town Council 07-20-2021
Town Council Minutes
Town Council 07-20-2021
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Last modified
10/6/2021 2:32:43 PM
Creation date
8/6/2021 10:14:25 AM
Public Documents
Meeting Minute Type
Town Council Minutes
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Councilman Warthen stated he would be interested in going ahead with this agreement to <br />ensure coverage until the county's potential deal can be negotiated. Councilman Williams made <br />the Motion to move forward with the contract once legal counsel edits the agreement. <br />Councilman Stanley seconded. Motion carried 5-0 <br />Chief Julian said he would be sending two contracts to the Town Council for review, one for <br />Johnson Controls Fire Protection for the yearly fire alarm maintenance and testing and a second <br />one for Evapor for the generator maintenance. <br />Chief Julian has been working with Attorney Copeland regarding Ordinance 15-2010 due to an <br />abandoned cars incidents. In seeking clarification Attorney Copeland recommended a possible <br />legal review of the ordinance to clarify some wording. There was a consensus among the <br />Council to send it to review. <br />Chief Julian mentioned the last department canine was medically retired within the prior 15 <br />days. The department is planning an open house to celebrate Si's retirement on August 1, 2021, <br />from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Police Department. A fundraiser will be kicked off to raise funds to <br />purchase a canine in 2022. A canine unit will cost more than $15,000 to $20,000 in addition to a <br />minimum of $10,000 in maintenance funds. <br />Brent Callahan gave an update on the summer concert series. They are also interested in using <br />the same promoter for the 2022 Summer Concert Series and the 4th of July concert. There is <br />also talk of bringing in a more widely known band for a paid show after the regular concert <br />series. <br />Pool attendance has been good, but with school coming up, the last day for the Pool to be open <br />is August 3. <br />Old Settlers is scheduled for August 8, 9 & 10, and he reminded everyone to stop by the Park <br />office to purchase ride tickets. <br />Dave Moore gave an update on the paving and sidewalk work near Roberson Woods. <br />Miller Pipeline contract is pending legal review. <br />Councilman Williams and Dave Moore will be working together to get information from the <br />person who has the torch lighting apparatus. The business moved, and the individual has been <br />less than cooperative with the town. Councilman Williams motioned to give the matter over to <br />Attorney Lee if a satisfactory agreement was not made. Councilman Stanley seconded. Motion <br />Carried 5-0 <br />Councilman Williams mentioned the Gateway landscaping conditions and the possibility of <br />removing dead bushes. Mr. Moore stated he was hesitant to make any dramatic decisions with <br />the landscaping as he is not a landscaper. Councilman Williams motioned to allow Dave Moore <br />and the street department to clean up the Gateway to make it look presentable and safe at his <br />discretion. Councilman Cook seconded. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />Chief Dalton came before the Council to request additional legal assistance in looking at the <br />possible Mooresville and Brown Township fire territory. Councilman Warthen made the point <br />that he believes it's essential to include the Town attorney and financial advisors to analyze this <br />possible merger. Town Attorney Lee estimated 20 to 40 hours to look into this matter. There <br />was a consensus among the Council to move forward with the analysis. <br />
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