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Town Council 03-15-2022
Town Council Minutes
Town Council 03-15-2022
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Last modified
4/8/2022 9:57:10 AM
Creation date
4/8/2022 9:36:07 AM
Public Documents
Meeting Minute Type
Town Council Minutes
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well as, again stating the redundant payments for the bonds and why those did not initially <br />show up on the original docket. <br />Clerk -Treasurer Dianna Wamsley gave an update on actions that have been taken to ensure <br />docket items are not missed in the future. Including speaking with Keystone the software <br />developers, working as a group to make sure nothing is missed off the docket, and reconciling <br />the docket before it is presented to town council members. Also creating a written document <br />detailing the procedure to create the docket, and will be adding it to the documentation of the <br />internal controls. She is confident that this will clear up any confusion that may have been <br />caused. <br />Councilman Williams mentioned the possibility of updating the Resolution from the year 1988 <br />to fall in line with the current state statute to grant clerk -treasurer authorization for pre- <br />payment of claims. <br />Clerk -Treasurer Diana Wamsley also presented the Annual Financial Report for 2021 to the <br />Town Council. The annual reports for 2020 and 2021 are listed on the town's website for <br />transparency purposes. <br />Legal — <br />Town Attorney Lee stated that the ordinance to create the fund for Mooresville Police ]PEP <br />Grant and the ordinance to create the fund for Mooresville Park IPEP Grant have been sent to <br />the council to review. <br />Town Attorney Lee gave an update on the lighting at Villages of Eastmoore. The town would be <br />responsible for 13 standard lights at $13.12 each per month (an annual payment of $2, 046.72). <br />Council members came to a consensus to move forward with preparing a contract. <br />Banning Engagement Letter Rainbow - Town Attorney Lee requested permission from the <br />council to move forward with this project that would resolve any eminent domain cases, and be <br />able to move forward with the sewer lines. Councilman Stanley made the motion to move <br />forward with the engagement letter. Councilman Swinney seconded. Motion carried 5-0 <br />Chief of Police Disciplinary Action - Councilman Cook made the motion to move forward with <br />letter 3 removing Chief Julian as Chief of police and starting the search for a new chief. After <br />some additional comments, Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Former Chief Julian addressed the council thanking them for the last 2 years of serving in a <br />leadership role as Chief of Police. He noted successes such as improved morale and a fully <br />staffed department that he was able to achieve. He thanked Clerk -Treasurer Wamsley and her <br />department for their support and guidance. <br />Public Comments — <br />Melinda Griesemer came before the council to introduce herself and announced her candidacy <br />for the new district 57 that is a result of the most recent census and redrawing of the district <br />lines and offered her assistance in any way she could. <br />Kaci Schultz came before the Council to voice her displeasure at the removal of Chief Julian. She <br />stated that she felt like it was personal and not based on performance. <br />Officer McDaniel came before the Council to state that Chief Julian made a difference in the <br />department and did good things for his officers. <br />Rob Samuels came before the council and provided a recap of all the meetings about the canine <br />program. <br />Councilman Stanley made the motion to approve claims for $900,340,29. Councilman Swinney <br />seconded. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Williams abstaining. <br />
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