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MOORESVILLE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />Thursday, <br />Thursday, April 6, 2023 6:OOpm <br />Mooresville Government Center <br />Commission Members present: Dana Heidenreich, Ryan Taylor and Shane Williams. School <br />representative Dr. lake Allen was present. Project Manager Chelsey Manns was present. Redevelopment <br />Commission Attorney Adam Steuerwald was present. <br />Commissioner Taylor called the meeting to order and led the group in the pledge followed by an <br />invocation <br />Minutes: Minutes were presented from the March 2, 2023 executive session and regular meeting. <br />Commissioner Heidenreich suggested they be tabled since he wasn't in attendance. Minutes for March <br />23, 2023 were presented. Commissioner Heidenreich made the motion to accept the minutes as <br />presented. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion which carried 3-0. <br />Financials: Financials were provided by the Clerk -Treasurer's office via email. TIF Rental Property had a <br />total of $678,594.90. TIF Debt Reserve Fund had a total of $470,474.38. RDC Capital Fund had a total of <br />$7,822,927.92. TIF totals are $8,971,997.20. Commissioner Heidenreich made the motion to accept the <br />financials as presented. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion, which carried 3-0 <br />Mooresville Business Center Update: Attorney Steuerwald explained that a tax abatement recission is <br />needed for the shell building as no tax abatement is being provided through the existing purchase <br />agreement. After discussion, Commissioner Heidenreich made the motion to begin the rescission <br />process as owner. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Manns presented an ALTA update proposal from Banning Engineering in the amount of $2,750 <br />Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the proposal as presented. Commissioner <br />Heidenreich seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Commissioner Heidenreich made the motion to appoint Commissioner Taylor as signatory on all <br />documents for the 2023 calendar year. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Manns shared that she and Chief Dalton have been working together regarding a possible location for <br />the fire training facility. There was a quote from Banning Engineering for due -diligence in the packet but <br />she asked it be tabled as they are still evaluating existing town -owned properties. <br />