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Attorney Steuerwald provided an update regarding the Patel Site. He is working on an economic <br />development agreement with the developer in which the developer would build the road and the <br />Commission would then purchase the road from the developer as an incentive. The site was recently <br />annexed into the town and a plan amendment will be required, which will begin in May. <br />onUpdate: Chief Dalton provided an update on the request to potentially purcl ' <br />of Casey's lot to t to the existing fire station for a fire trainin eeting room. After <br />some discussion, Commissioner ntmue with the process to investigate the l 4� ` <br />feasibility and <br />lot. Co <br />the motion, which <br />New Business: Manns shared the April 151h report with the Commission, reading the highlights of the <br />from 2022: <br />In regards to the Mooresville Business Center, the Commission extended the listing agreement <br />with Cushman and Wakefield on the shell building and entered into a separate agreement for <br />representation on the remaining 82.81 acres. An offer for the shell building was made and <br />approved by the Commission to Dawson Logistics; however, the company terminated the <br />agreement during the due diligence period. Bush hogging was completed by Mike Harden. Survey <br />work was commissioned for the remaining lots within the Business Center by Banning Engineering. <br />The Commission entered into a purchase agreementfor the +/- 56 acre lot to Old Dominion Freight <br />Line for an 80 truck terminal at $60,000/acre. The Commission also entered into an agreement <br />with Indianapolis French Investments, Corp to purchase the +/--19 acre lot north of the shell <br />building at $69,000/acre. Both deals have 180 day and 120 day inspection periods respectively <br />and should close in 2023. <br />Resolution 2022-1 rescinded certain previous amendments to the Consolidated Mooresville <br />Economic Development Area was approved. <br />The Commission worked collectively with SME to apply for a brownfield assessment grant. In <br />particular, the area of interest revolved around the former Mooresville Consolidated School . <br />Corporation bus garage. A grant application was submitted, and the Commission is awaiting a <br />